Thursday, October 24, 2013

A little more about day three

Daryl is heading out for the last visit with Christy right now.  I came down with a very sore throat and barky vough late yesterday so I am resting in the hotel - I do not want to give this to any of the children in the group home, especially Christy!

So yesterday morning we showed up ay 8:45 so we could go with Christy to jer physical therapy session.  We road with the group home's driver.  Christy loves riding in a car - this was good news as on our return trip to bring her home she'll start off with a 4+ hour car ride!  The ride to therapy was fairly long as the traffic and roads are insane - narrow roads and crazy drivers!
  We arrived at a large building which I assumed was a hospital, and climbed up 6 flights of stairs.  Christy doesn't weigh mich, probably around 25 pounds, but the last coupke of flights got tough!  Then we went down a hallway where there were room off the hallway each with two neatly made beds.  At the end of the hall we entered the therapy room.  It looked very kuch like the therapy rooms that we have taken Esther to.  There were two therapistsmthere, plus the one that came with us from the group home and a little boy, blind from birth, that had come ther in Yavor's car with the therapist.  They worked with Christy first (another  in the room soon after we arrived so the second therapist was working with him)
We were pleased with the therapy she received.  She was not.  Christy does NOT like to use her right hand and that is the focus of the therapy.  We had our first opportunity of seeing her cry.  Her crying was not very loud, but she did a lot of complaining.

 After an hour, she was sat nearby the therapists and given a box of toys to play with while the therapist worked with the little blind boy.  You could tell that this was her favorite part.  While we were there we found out that the building was actually the Baby Home where Christy had lived before goin to the group home last July.  We also found out that they are working to close it down, and placing the children in group homes and foster homes.  This is a long process, so it might takes years before  it is actually closed. 

After the therapy we all got into our driver's car andheaded back to the group home, no car seats.  The therapists from the group home sat in the back seat holding the little blind boy, and I was holding Christy.  It was about a 29 minute ride.  Spending 20 minutes with another woman and not being able to talk with her (she understands some English, but only speaks a few words) was a very strange thing for me.  I so wanted to talk with her a get to know her, but it just wasn't possible - not even small talk!  I did find out that she works mornings at Christy's group home and afternoons at a group home for older orphans that do not have special needs.
   Once we got back, she was very tired.  We spent a little time outdoors, and then went inside for some play time.  I fed her lunch and then we left to get lunch.  We decided that the Happy Bar And  Grill was our favorite place to eat, so that is where we eat every lunch and dinner.

After lunch, it was back to the hotel for a nap, and the  back for the afternoon visit at 4 pm.  I was quite tired, and I assumed it was from the long morning.  This visit I tried to get to olay withher more, even getting down on the floor with her (difficult for me since me knee injury last year).  I was able to get her to have some fun, but not quite like Daryl does.  It was a pleasant visit, filled with play time and cuddles.  During this ur visit I began to notice a dry spot in my throat - like I had choked on something and had irritated my thoat.  But it just wouldn't go away. As usual,our visit ended with my feeding her dinner.

After the visit we went for dinner.  After  we headed back to the hotel.  There my throast got worse as the evening progressed.  I worked on wiriting out the translation that our driver had given me for the words in the photo albums I had created for Cnristy of our family, home and activities.  By the time I went to bed, I knew I was getting sick.  I didn't sleep very well and had thoughts of how I would survive strep  on our long journey home.

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