Photos taken 12/14! |
We had something amazing happen last week! While I was reading a blog from a family who was on their "meet ya" trip this week in Christy's country, I recognized Christy's city! This family was able to bring their son to stay with them for 3 days instead of visits twice a day like we had! Then she commented that now they have to find things to do. I contacted her, as I had seen that she had the same translator/driver that we did (Yavor), to see if it would be possible to check in to see if the thickener I was able to have brought to Christy was working and how the supply was lasting.

Not only were they able to do that, but Yavor was allowed to visit Christy and take photos! He said she was quite tired (probably just laying down for a nap). He also found out that the thickener is working well, and that the supply I sent should last a long time. The nurse also requested that we send her some orthotic hose to help with her legs as she is super flexible and they think it would help to limit her movement. It would take yet another miracle, actually a series of miracles, but we might just be able to pull it off and get her some "hip huggers." I will work to get the hip huggers to our adoption agency attorney over there through a family who is going over there for their first trip in early January, and then she'll need to give it to Yavor and he would have to be going to her city with another family and have time to go to Christy's group home in order for us to get them to her, but it is possible...Please pray that we will be able to do this for her.
Her email was so fun to read, I'll quote it here:
"Dear Ruth!
We were able to go to Christy's group home today twice.
The first time we went and Yavor went in and the nurse wasn't there
until 12:00. This was in the morning. Yavor got to see Christy, and the
care giver told him that Christy was doing really well, but she didn't
know about the thickener, or anything about the supply of it needed. She
said he should ask the nurse. Yavor said Christy was doing really well,
though, and the caregiver told him that she'd had a medical appointment
the week before and that went great!
So we
went and had Jerry's visa picture taken and then we went to the mall and
had lunch and then came back to the group home after noon. I said to
Yavor, "see if you can get some photos of Christy and tell them her
American Mama would be soooo happy!"...so Yavor took my camera and went
in to check with the nurse. On his way in he said.."Now you realize that
I probably won't be able to take any pictures, but I"ll try
anyway!"...and then when he came out he brought me these on my camera!
Ruth! She's so beautiful! I'm so thankful that we got to encourage you
in this way! I said to Yavor..."Bravo!" "Bravo!"..he was beaming that he
got to do that!
So..the report from the nurse:
is doing great. She's off of her heart medicine now and only on her
brain medicine. She's growing and actually outgrowing all of her
clothes! She doesn't need any more thickener at this time. It's working
well, but she has enough for a long time to come she said. Also, she
mentioned wanting some stretchy ortho type socks or tights that would
help to keep her legs straighter. Not sure what that meant, but she
thought you might know, and if you could send those, that would be
great. When you come for picking up, you'll need to bring her bigger
clothes, the nurse said!
Okay..love to you!! Praying this blesses your day greatly!
Um, yeah! That totally blessed my socks off! And she's a woman after my own heart with all those exclamation points! LOVE IT!!!!!!

As far as our adoption stuff goes, we were able to get our fingerprints done last Thursday, and I will be mailing them in through an FBI Channeler. This way we should get our background checks back in about 2 weeks instead of 6 - 8 weeks! Then I will have to send them to Caring Hands (a service that hand delivers documents to the US Secretary of State in Washington DC to get apostilled) and we will have them send the apostilled background checks directly to our adoption agency!
I am still hoping to hear any day now that our second stage dossier has been submitted. These fingerprints/background checks will not be needed until we are assigned a judge/court date (and they might not be needed at all, as it depends on which judge we get), so this is not slowing anything down.
So here are the steps we still have left to go through:
-Article 5 translated/authenticated and added to complete dossier submitted to Big Wig (approx 12/18)
-Complete dossier goes through 1 month of passing through lots of hands (finish approx 1/20)
-Gets signature from big wig (approx 1/27)
-is taken to the courts. (approx 1/31)
-assigned to a judge (approx 2/14)
-assigned a court date (approx 2/20)
-court date/adoption granted (approx 3/1)
-adoption gets signed court decree from the judge (approx 3/10)
-new birth certificate is applied for (approx 3/11)
-travel dates given once new birth certificate is done (approx 3/18)
Then we get to go bring her home (end of March?)
We also were blessed to have one of our photos of our visits with Christy put in a video that was just released today! Please share this video, and consider participating in the 2013
And please read about the Winslow family and there visits with their precious children last week. This is the family who worked with Yavor in order to get updates on Christy! They still stand in need of funds to complete their adoption, so please consider donating to their grant!
Thank you Mary Winslow!
Thank You Yavor!!
Thank You God!!!